Computer Lab

Our computer lab is in the formation stage and we are awaiting the arrival and set up of our solar-powered computers.  We anticipate that the lab will be operational by end October 2015.  

The computers will be connected to a local network with access to a network server - loaded with a wide range of software and tutorials including:

  • African Virtual School: Essential Skills: Maths and English Videos covering addition, subtraction, decimals, ratio and proportion, conversions, scale, graphs, English grammar, etc.  Maths and ICT text books (Using Email and Using Word), Introduction to Excel Videos etc
  • KhanAcademyOver 4,000 Videos and Interactive Exercises.  KA Lite offers instructional videos from Khan Academy on math, science, history, economics and matches the common core standards.  
  • GCFLearn FreeThe Goodwill Community Foundation (GCFLearnFree) is a program that provides free computer tutorials on a variety of subjects. These tutorials are vital in ensuring that each person has the skill set to be successful in the 21st century. The tutorial subjects that are available in the lab include; “Microsoft Office, Technology Basics, Living in the Online Word, Essential Skills, and Work and Career.” 




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