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Motivational Talk on Importance of Education of Women By Harold Domingo

Mr. Harold Domingo visited the ladies at the center to give a motivational talk on the importance of of educating women in society and the role women play in contributing to overall finance in raising a family and to society as a whole.  Mr. Domingo told them about his personal story of going through and advancing his education to University and that enabled him to have more opportunities to compete for various jobs during his career.  He said that the main factor behind his success is education, Positive Thinking and staying Focused.

Mr. Domingo shared some statistical facts. Between the ages of 6 to 11 more girls are enrolled in elementary schools than boys. From ages 11 to 16 more boys are in school than girls. He asked the question: "Why is that the case"? One of the students brilliantly stated that teenage pregnancy could be a factor.   He said that there is no life that does not have challenges and these challenges must be matched. He said there was a time in his life that he was faced with challenges of making a decision whether to work or to continue his education he chose to continue education and reap the benefit later.

He encouraged the ladies to be focused, stop depending on men.  With education, they can know their rights, better position themselves for jobs, entrepreneurship etc. He said that as ladies they should give meaning to their lives and be educated.  Education he said  is the key to success and being self- reliant and knowing your rights and responsibilities are key elements to personal development.

Finally, Mr. Domingo challenged their thought pattern on being pregnant and teen mothers. He said, being in such a state is not the end of their lives rather it is a point of learning. He encouraged them to treat every aspect of their learning opportunities seriously as it could well be the defining moments of their lives. 

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