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190 Mosquito Nets Distributed in 2021

In Sierra Leone, research has proven that one in every two children under the age of five admitted into pediatric care is affected by malaria. Mosquito nets create an effective barrier and provide protection from mosquito bites for two years hence preventing Malaria and reducing the burden of Malaria in Sierra Leone.

Thanks in part to your ongoing support, Develop Africa distributed 190 mosquito bed nets treated with insecticide to families in Sierra Leone in 2021.  Among the 190 mosquito nets distributed, 100 mosquito nets were distributed to children and families in Freetown, Bo, and Makeni, and 90 mosquito nets were distributed to pupils at the Stella Maris Primary School and Morthain community. 

Your continued support is appreciated as we strive to provide 300 children/families in Sierra Leone with protective long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) in 2022. Every donation received helps purchase more mosquito nets and saves more lives. If you are not already a recurring donor you can start a monthly recurring donation here.  

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