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Ballusa's Ready to Study

One of the major struggles for school-going students in Sierra Leone is studying at home. Some lack literate adults to guide them in studying, and some lack the materials or the study-friendly atmosphere. Some students live in less privileged homes and communities and have no proper place to study and do their homework. Sometimes these students will sit on the floor or on rocks outside the home, but this is not an effective way to study. 

Thanks to generous donors like you, tables and chairs have been provided to several students, from less privileged families, so that they can study at home safely, effectively, and comfortably.

One of the students that recently received a desk and chair is Ballusa,  who is in her first year of Junior Secondary School (JSS1).   She enjoys studying, dancing, and playing with her friends. She hopes to become a nurse when she grows up.  She was very grateful to receive the desk and chair to help her study and do her homework after school.

Ballusa expressed her gratitude saying- 

Thank you Develop Africa and donors for supporting me with this study table and chair. Thank you. 


Thank you for your ongoing support towards empowering and educating girls in Africa. You are truly making a difference for girls with your generous support. 

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