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Bed Nets are Saving Lives

We greatly appreciate your continued support that provided 50-bed nets to students attending the Creating Pathways Center,  which is made up of mostly young, single moms or pregnant unwed young women who are not allowed to return to regular school.  The long-lasting insecticide-treated net (ITNs) they received is one of the main prevention measures that is used to prevent malaria. The nets have been treated with safe, residual insecticide that blocks, kills and repels mosquitoes. 

Two of the young moms that recently received nets are Marion (pictured here) and Hawa along with other classmates.  All of these young ladies expressed their deep gratitude for the bed net that will protect them and their babies from malaria.

Your continued support is appreciated as we strive to provide every family in Sierra Leone with a protective bed net.  You are truly a lifesaver!  

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