
Finda Talks about Mentoring Session on Public Relations & Marketing

Public Relations & Marketing was the topic at a recent mentoring session that was attended by 50 students.  Thanks to the ongoing support from donors, each of the attendees received transportation to the mentoring session and lunch. 

One of the menteesFinda, talks about what she learned in this video.  

Sixty-five Students are in Computer Classes

Currently, there are sixty-five students attending computer classes at the Develop Africa Sierra Leone (DASL) Computer Lab. The computer classes run in three shifts- one class in the morning and two classes in the afternoon from Monday to Friday.

STEM Legos Mindstorm Sessions Successful

Over the past several weeks the Develop Africa Sierra Leone (DASL) team hosted the 2nd STEM Session using the Legos Mindstorms sets. The Legos STEM project aims to train DASL school-going beneficiaries to build Legos Robots and cultivate their interests in STEM or robotics.

Microfinance Loan Makes a Difference for Aminata

Your generous support helps provide microfinance loans, which empower small businesses like Aminata's. The goal of interest-free microfinance loans is to provide parents/guardians with the ability to support their families. 


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