Photo Album

Ebola Orphans are Getting Ready to go Back to School

Your ongoing support is helping provide the best care for these Ebola orphans as possible.  While the majority of the original children from the Dream Home have been or are in the process of being adopted into families, there are still three left that your support is directly benefiting. In March 2019, they received new school supplies and toiletries.  

The children are all looking forward to going back to school with their new school supplies.  Each child has been working hard and is making steady progress with their education and doing well academically.

The Ebola orphans continue to be encouraged to dream again and are being taught that they can be and do anything.  Thanks to your support the orphans are receiving food, clothing, school-related expenses, and psycho-social support/counseling.

We are so thankful for your support that has made such a difference in the Ebola orphan's lives and encourage you to start a monthly recurring donation here to make an even greater impact on these Ebola orphans’ lives. Even a few dollars a month will go a long way. Please also share this with your contacts and invite them to consider supporting this ongoing project.

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