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Girls Mentoring on Self-Esteem & Setting Goals

Thanks in part to your ongoing support, the Develop Africa Sierra Leone (DASL) team held another girls’ mentoring program on January 22, 2022, on self-esteem and setting goals.  Thirty-one young ladies between the ages of 10-20 years old in Freetown attended the mentoring session.   Lunch and transportation were provided to the girls in attendance as well as a care package including cooking oil, onions, macaroni, tin tomato, and biscuits.

The guest speaker discussed the following points:

•       Definition of self-esteem and goal setting

•       What is self-esteem and what is not self-esteem?

•       Important of positive self-esteem and goal setting

•       How to develop positive self-esteem

•       Examples of life goals

•       Goal setting – using the SMART acronym

During the mentoring session, the guest speaker asked some of the girls to act plays in demonstration of positive self-esteem.  Similarly, she asked the girls to use the smart acronym to state examples of academic goals.  Five girls set smart goals that focused on having requirements in the West African Senior Secondary School Examination (WASSCE). The guest speaker was impressed with the boldness of the five girls and their understanding of the topic discussed. 

Thank you for your ongoing support towards empowering and educating girls in Africa. You are truly making a difference for girls with your generous support. Please share this with your contacts and invite them to consider supporting this ongoing project.

Making a monthly donation is the most effective way to help girls get their education, but every dollar donated makes a difference! If you are not yet a recurring donor and would like to sign up for a recurring donation go here.

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