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Microfinance Loans Empower Families

Generous supporters help provide microfinance loans, which empower small businesses like Susan's. The goal of interest-free microfinance loans is to provide parents/guardians with the ability to support their families. 

Susan expresses her thanks for the microfinance loan she received saying

Hello, my name is Susan and Festus is my nephew. I want to thank Develop Africa for the microfinance that they have given to me. With the help of this microfinance, I can provide school lunch to Festus and for school.

I want to thank them again because this microfinance means a lot to me; with the microfinance fund they have given to me, I am doing a palm oil business; I buy palm oil from the provinces and sell them within my community. 

Donors are helping individuals like Susan, provide a better life for their families.  We invite you to make a #YearEnd donation for more small businesses in Sierra Leone.

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