
Marian Participates in Debate Style Mentoring Session

Mentoring sessions are pivotal in preparing future leaders with the necessary skills and knowledge for success.

Lego Session: Having a "Blast"

The Develop Africa Sierra Leone (DASL) team hosted the 2nd STEM Session, using engaging Lego Mindstorms sets.

Impact of the Rachel Server on Girls' Education at FAWE School

We are happy to share with you the ongoing impact of your generosity on girls' education at the FAWE School. Recently, the FAWE girls had the opportunity to utilize the Rachel server. The Rachel server, short for Remote Area Community Hotspot for Education and Learning, is a portable, battery-powered device that provides access to a vast collection of educational websites in offline format.

Girls Mentoring Skit- Never Give Up

Girls' mentoring sessions are held throughout the year covering a multitude of topics.


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