
Empowering Futures Through Computer Training

Thanks in part to your support, more children and young adults are getting the computer training they need for success in today's technology-driven environment. Hawa & Mohamed are two of the students who recently received a certificate of completion for Intro to Computers and Microsoft Office- Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint/Presentation, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Access/Database, and Microsoft Internet Browser.

Isatu Will be Forever Grateful

Your support has brought smiles to the faces of the girls at Hope Academy Secondary School in York, an all-girls institution. Through your generosity, they have received essential school bags and supplies that will significantly enhance their educational journey.

Ibarray's Thankful For After School Classes For Her Daughter

A parent named Ibarray, from Kamawornie Village, has conveyed her appreciation to Develop Africa for the supplementary classes organized for the children, including her daughter Marie, after regular school hours. It's important to note that these afterschool classes come at no expense to the families, thanks to the generosity of donors like you.

Mariatu's Business is Growing Thanks to a Microfinance Loan

Generous donor support helps provide microfinance loans, which empower small businesses like Mariatu's. The goal of interest-free microfinance loans is to provide parents/guardians with the ability to support their families. Mariatu sells fries/snacks and candies at a primary school in her community. Through her business, she can support her kids, and two of her kids are part of the sponsorship program.


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