
Ladies Receive Polaris Radios to Support Listening of Educational Radio Broadcasts

Develop Africa Sierra Leone is in the business of creating impact in the lives of the young pregnant ladies in this nation.  The program has created awareness in the lives of these pregnant ladies that it is an opportunity that they need to grab to stay relevant in society. On August, 31st we distributed 49 radios to girls in our Educational Lifeline Program - at our Creating Pathways Centre.  These girls have been consistent:  punctual, attended regularly and had taken all the assessment tests.

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Building Self Esteem and Core Skills

The school has been going on successfully despite the numerous challenges we are having with attendance due to the rains and transportation constrains. Miss. Conteh treated Christian Counseling on the topic SELF ESTEEM with both Junior and Senior School.

Celebrating The Progress of The Girls

Girls in Class

As each week passes by, we celebrate the progress the girls are making in their pregnancy journey. They have been dealing with morning sickness, transportation challenges, and a mindset of self-resignation - among other things. The sessions and times of sharing have given us a new perspective into their world. 

Losing girls: post Ebola in Sierra Leone

The effects of Ebola on Sierra Leone will be felt long after the country is declared Ebola-free, and girls are being particularly ostracized and stigmatized.


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