
Teaching on Career Choices and Good Comminication

Ladies at the CPC received a talk on career choices and the value of good communication in a changing world.   Abu taught them about having the cutting edge as they pursue their individual careers which includes good listening skills, extra push and the power to remain focused


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December - End of Semester Activities

December - This month has been a fruitful one for the Center. The attendance has been very encouraging and the girls demonstrated a high level of commitment to their learning opportunities.

It has been a time of Revision, Exams, Screening, Encouragements and Teachings.  They were tested on all subjects taught followed by the usual counseling with a reflection on the previous topics on goals setting and daily planning.

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Motivational Talk on Importance of Education of Women By Harold Domingo

Mr. Harold Domingo visited the ladies at the center to give a motivational talk on the importance of of educating women in society and the role women play in contributing to overall finance in raising a family and to society as a whole.  Mr. Domingo told them about his personal story of going through and advancing his education to University and that enabled him to have more opportunities to compete for various jobs during his career.  He said that the main factor behind his success is education, Positive Thinking and staying Focused.

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Setting Goals & Choosing Careers

The young ladies at the Centre were encouraged to stand in front of the class and tell others their desired career and why they have chosen that career.  They were asked what subjects they need to concentrate on and to identify their weakness and what they are prepared to do to develop in that area.  

Some of the chosen careers were: nurse, lawyer, accountant and teacher.  They chose their careers because they wanted to support the poor, help provide justice, to help educate and save lives.  They each recognized that they had to study hard to achieve their career.

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